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Hey everyone, for Mother's Day I figured I would throw up a quick poll to select the character that will feature in the special Mother's Day artwork! I have put together a cadre of capable moms to select from. Obviously there are many more moms that I could include, but these are the few that may pop up in regards to most notable and that I have some degree of familiarity with. 

The deadline for voting will be Wednesday, May 6th at 11:59 PM CDT. Happy voting!

 Reminder that you must be a patron of the $5 Devil tier or higher in order to vote in polls. You can vote for more than one option. 



How do i is two votes if I’m the $10 tier? Do I just say so in the comments if so than do a vote for lusamine.


Indeed, as long as you are in Demon Tier you can comment where you want your additional votes to be placed in each poll!