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Hey everyone, who would have thought we would have another tie for characters this month? Quite exciting. While the themes have been decided, once again we find ourselves with a contested race between two characters for first place. Therefore, to break the tie, we turn again to a final quick poll. Our finalists based on total votes (including Demon influence of course) at 4 each, are Rayla from The Dragon Prince and Tyreen Calypso from Borderlands 3.

This time around, you may only vote for one character, so choose wisely. The character with the most votes will be the winner of the full artwork and the runner up will feature in the character sketch for this month.

Demons be sure to comment which character you would like your extra vote to go towards.

Deadline for voting will be Tonight, September 12th at 11:59 PM CDT. Happy voting!

*Note that the first place full artwork will feature Labor while the runner up sketch will feature Hyper Pregnancy.
