February 2022 Artwork Poll Results (Patreon)
Hey everyone, the first set of polls for the year have officially come to a close. It was quite a close one, with a couple contestants neck in neck. After factoring in the will of our Archdemons and Demon Lords, the victors have been decided!
Our first place winner of the full color artwork for this month will be, Rumi Usagiyama aka 'Mirko' from My Hero Academia. Her primary artwork will feature a full term pregnancy. No doubt Mirko would still be quite the capable hero even with a belly full of bunnies. For our second place runner up, we have Yomogi the Chef from Monster Hunter: Rise. She'll be going through some labor in her primary artwork this month. Hopefully that doesn't impose too much of an inconvenience, there are a lot of hungry hunters to feed after all!
Additionally, the winner of the Valentine's Day artwork poll is Albedo from Overlord. You can expect to see updates within the coming days for her artwork!
Thanks again to everyone for voting. As always, keep your eyes on the lookout for updates as I post all stages of progress with these pieces throughout the rest of the month!
Also, the first poll has gone up today to decide which of the artworks this month will receive a NSFW variant. If you are in the $10 Demon Tier and above you can place your votes at the poll below: