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Hey everyone, for the Easter artwork this month I'll be planning to do a character quick poll. In preparation I am opening up character suggestions to you all again. I have a few characters in mind as usual, but am opening it up to anyone who has a particular character in mind they would like to add.

This will operate the same way as the usual suggestion posts, the only requirement is that all characters submitted must have rabbit/bunny features. The character can be some kind of anthropomorphic or hybrid creature, however this also means that characters that wear any kind of bunny suit/costume will also be accepted.

This is open to all patrons, so if you have a character in mind feel free to add a comment below with the name and source. There is no voting threshold for this one so you don't have to worry about Liking comments.

The suggestion period will end on Thursday, April 7th at 11:59 PM CST.



I’d like to suggest Carrot from One Piece if that’s okay! https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Carrot


Panini from chowder