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Hey everyone, after totaling up the votes for the themes the primary theme is Labor, however, there is a tie for the secondary theme. Therefore we must do one final tie breaker poll to determine which theme will take that spot this month.

This time around, you can only vote for a single option, so choose wisely. Patrons with additional votes can however still use there additional votes for options in the poll.

The deadline for voting will be Tonight, October 8th 11:59 PM CDT. Happy voting!

Demon Tier Patrons remember to comment below which character you would like your additional vote to go towards!

Archdemon & Demon Lord Tier Patrons remember to comment below which character(s) you would like your two additional votes to go towards. Please specify if you would like all additional votes to go towards a single character, or if you want to divide your votes among different options.


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