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Hey everyone, in preparation for May 2023, I am looking for character suggestions for the May 4th aka Star Wars Day Artwork. As usual I have a few characters in mind, but I figured I would throw it out to all of you for some suggestions as well. The only requirement is they must obviously be a character from the Star Wars franchise. They can be from any of the films, television series, novels, ideally having some visual example of the character available.

Unlike the previous few years, I will be doing a quick poll as well to determine which character will feature in this years artwork. 

To suggest a character simply leave a comment on this post with the character you want to see ( Please provide character name and what media they are from ). You can leave multiple comments as long as they contain different characters.

This is open to all patrons, so if you have a character in mind feel free to add a comment below with the name and source. There is no voting threshold for this one so you don't have to worry about Liking comments.

The suggestion period will end on Friday, April 21st at Midnight.

Note: For more information about how the polls and voting work you can refer to the main page for details.


Shadow ace

ahsoka tano from star wars

The Human

Rey Skywalker from Star Wars


Nadia Grell, Vette, Lana Benniko, and Satele Shan from Star Wars the Old Republic


And Shae Vizsla from Star Wars the Old Republic