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Greetings everyone, here is the official patron character suggestion post for December 2023!

To suggest a character simply leave a comment on this post with the character you want to see ( Please provide character name and what media they are from ). You can leave multiple comments as long as they contain different characters.

Vote for your favorites by Liking the comment. The characters ( up to 7 ) with the most Likes by the end of the suggestion period will be selected for the voting poll. Note: Duplicate character suggestions will not be counted more than once, only the comment with the highest number of Likes for that character will be counted.

Suggestions are available for all patrons, so feel free to leave a comment. The deadline for character suggestions is Sunday, December 3rd by Midnight. So get your suggestions/likes in before then!

Note: For more information about how the polls and voting work you can refer to the main page for details.



Ooh, got (a big) thought: Barghest from 'Fate Grand Order'.


Oldish Xbox era gal: Taki from the 'Soul Calibur' series.


Abigail from Stardew Valley


How about Cynthia from pokemon? But specifically in her renegade costume https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/File:Spr_Masters_Cynthia_Sygna_Renegade.png


Kim Pine from Scott Pilgrim

The Human

Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House


@The Human: I think our host cranked out a Lilith pic some time back. Eda or Camila might be fun, though.


Lilith has already received a past artwork. You can still request her if you would like, or you could swap in a different character.


Winter from RWBY!


I’d like to suggest Rebecca from One Piece if she’s okay! https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Rebecca


What the hell, one more: Ramona Flowers 'cuz I'm just getting into Netflix!Scott Pilgrim.