Map Pack #63: Mountain Lair (Patreon)
Hello Again Generous Patrons,
On a flight last month I watched the 1969 Bond Film, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, and I was impressed by Blofeld's lair. I was thinking about it because a friend visited the actual location in Switzerland last year (it's a ski resort and restaurant that has lots of hikes and other things to do).
My take on the Villainous Lair can be reached by helicopter or private gondola. On the Gondola Level there is a garage with snowmobiles and an ATV right next to the minions' bunk room. Said minions work out in their own gym, complete with wood Wing Tsun dummies for Kung Fu practice.
Climbing the spiral stairs you arrive at the Heli Level with the large, well equipped kitchen, and rooms for other staff, including a suite for the Master's chief lieutenant.
Continuing up the stairs you find yourself in the Circle Level with a massive, open-concept lounge and dining area, a meeting room, and the Master's suite.
The main variation is an 'Institute', which I imagine could mean a spiritual retreat and education center. Perhaps it's really a cult? Or the latest group of students managed to accidentally contact something otherworldly and very dangerous. It could also be a scientific research and education station. I'm sure you can think of something for your own games.
I made Abandoned versions for both those maps, then made the original lair a little gonzo by adding a big 'ol Death Ray cannon. That required a menacing dark dome for the roof.
The Sci-Fi variation is less gonzo and more cyberpunk with more high tech gear, glowing consoles, and a lot less wood.
Finally, I stripped out the furniture and made an Unfurnished map so you can use your imagination to customize the lair, or have your players visit the open house and talk to the real estate agent selling the place.
Map Size: 4970 × 2800 px; 71 × 40 squares; 70 px / 5' grid
Mountain Lair $1 Survivor
Mountain Lair $2 Badass
Mountain Lair $3 Legend