Coding Deer-AI! [LLL] (Patreon)
Yo everyone, wanted to share my progress on the Deer-AI!
So once Molly saw how the Deerdude™ is hanging out in the forest with her pants, he runs away and Molly goes after him.
For that a little chase sequence will start that I've coded a little AI for.
Since at first the Deers sprite only stood around, I've added sprites where he's running and jumping, and made it so as long as Molly is on the right side of him he runs to the left and vice versa.
He has a normal jump that gets activated once he runs into a floor wall. After stopping for a bit to do a lil windup, he jumps and moves forwards again.
To get him through the terrain smoothly though, one type of jump wasn't enough. Sometimes he'd need to jump farther or higher to cross certain gaps, so I've placed little trigger blocks throughout the map that tell him to jump, and also boost his stats for that specific jump.
The pink blocks are a far jump, the orange ones are only a slight boost.
There's one more type that makes him jump super high, mainly for this one gap that would've been hard to get through otherwise:
While I was getting the whole jumping mechanics to work there was a weird bug where for a special jump, he leaped up straight into the air first, did another windup midair, and then launched himself forwards...
Sadly I missed out on making a gif of that, but it looked pretty hilarious xD
In general I had to fix more things than I expected with this AI, for example sometimes he just got stuck seemingly randomly on ledges, did his windup crouch over and over but couldn't move...
It seems like I've gotten it to work pretty well now though!
Now I just gotta make it trigger the next event once you catch him, also draw a couple more images for that event, but more on that next time!~