Exotique Thirst for Grip n' Slip [Coco Nutshake] (Patreon)
Yoyo, the main Soundtrack for Coco Nutshake has been completed!
It's made up of 2 tracks, Exotique Thirst, which is the main menu music, and Grip n' Slip, the in-game music.
In this sound file they're both put together, along with the sitar intro jingle that'll play once you hit 'Start Game' on the start screen.
Props to Grey for coming up with the song titles xD
Before getting to those 2 finished tracks I went through a bunch of attempts that weren't working out how I was hoping though...
To listen to them, while I'll be adding a bit of backstory, you can either download the attachments or click the soundcloud link and listen along there:
(These WIP-Tracks don't really have titles, usually when brainstorming I just name the files after [Project Name] + [Number], and some of the attempts just aren't interesting enough to show, so don't get confused over skipped numbers)
Track [02]:
While I was browsing around for samples I came across this little part from a ShibayanRecords bossanova song, and when I slowed it down it sounded like its from a Spyro game so I had to keep that one xD Not sure if I'll still use it for anything...
Track [04]:
Here the intro jingle with the sitar is already in place, which set the tone for the final soundtrack as well. Since I wanted to go for a hot desert kinda vibe it fit pretty well, however the rest of the song didn't end up the way I wanted...
It's still an interesting one though, I picked some exotic sounding drums from bellydance music, paired with an italian accordion, since I tried to go with an italian plaza feel as well...
Oh yeah, and in the end it goes full mexican xD I stumbled across a video pretty randomly where everyone was awkwardly dancing to this music with cowboy hats on, pretty amazing xD
Track [05]:
I recorded real instruments that I've played for this one (Ukulele and Guitar for the bassline), which I normally don't do, and its one of my earliest attempts at recording as well.
Also I beatboxed into the mic and put some bitcrushing over it for the drums xD
It's not terrible but ultimately way too cheesy and generic in my opinion...
Track [08]:
This one's funky, I found an album from 1979 called Super Percussion Vol. 1 and chopped a guitar solo from one of the songs into this future-funk-esque track.
I like the outcome and had that loop stuck in my head for like 2 days straight while making it... xD I couldn't hold back with the breakbeats though so I wouldn't be able to use it for the game, where the music is supposed to be relaxing.
At that point I was considering to make more music for the different palettes though, with this one as a potential candidate for the vaporwave looking palette...
Track [09]:
I went further with the 'new songs for every palette' idea and thought I could make one with desert vibes and spanish guitar elements for the dark skinned palette, realizing I dont know how spanish guitar really works but it has those fast arpeggio notes sprinkled in here and there, and from that point I just went ham, couldn't hold back again, not relaxing at all xD
Instead it turned out to be something that could fit a desert miniboss of some kind with math metal type rhythms... don't ask me whats going on with the time signatures there I have no idea
...the next day after showing these attempts to a friend he pointed out that it's a funny idea to start making songs for the different palettes when the first 2 essential songs aren't even finished... xD
That made a ton of sense and lead to me wrapping them up, so here they are!
Hope you enjoy them =w=b