Early Sketches for Snowman Game (Patreon)
Yoyo, how's everyone been doing?
We're doing well, refreshed from our break, going at this project with new energy!
This one will look quite different from our previous games, with an isometric top down perspective, as you can see in the screenshot above.
For some context, the plan for the gameplay will be to roll up a snowman using the snow-covered tiles, moving around each stage and stacking the balls on top of each other in a puzzle-like fashion, with the goal of turning the snowman to life at the end...
At the same time, the story of the girl doing this will be told through illustrated story book passages.
Please take a look at some early character sketches, but keep in mind that none of these designs are final!
The order of those sketches are old --> new.
This last sketch in particular was made to figure out her color palette, please forgive all the wonky proportions xD
At this point we're still throwing ideas at a wall to see what sticks, although we do have a direction in mind already.
There will be another character, the snowman, that I don't have proper sketches of yet, more about him later...
We hope this made you interested in what's to come, if you already have some impressions you wanna share, feel free!
Also thanks alot for sticking with us and supporting us even while we weren't posting much!
Seeya soon! =w=/