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New Mexico is the land of enchantment. The only word that I can think of to describe my relationship with this place and the geographic formations is 'mystical.' I took the highest level religion class in college called 'comparative mysticism.' In this course, we learned that the word 'mysticism' means 'ineffable,' the divine, that which is so otherworldly or magical that there are no words to define it. When something is indescribable, it is so beautiful or profound that there are no words to properly transmit the experience. I frequently find myself in this frequency. For me, connecting with nature, laying naked on the earth, is truly a mystical experience. What was so special about this last trip was experiencing the feeling of my skin in contact with these unique crystals and minerals. White sands is made up of gypsum, which crystallizes into selenite! It was so incredibly healing to lay on a field of selenite...



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