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I've been going through my photos from the past few years like a madman, woman, whatever the fuck sex you want to call me or yourself, putting together my favorites for my next book that is going to be released on 22-2-22... The title of the book is Salvation. I'm using the best quality paper and binding options possible through Blurb, the self-publishing company that I use. The book will be less pages than my last, Delirium, but that is only because the paper is such high quality that the binding process is only allowing me to create a maximum of 110 pages. To supplement this, I will also be publishing a magazine on the first day of the astrological calendar year, 22-3-21, Psychosis, that will include all of the favorite remaining photos, essays and poems that I have collected over the past three years. Salvation and Psychosis will go hand in hand, one complementing the other. Just as I feel as though I'm reaching a point of salvation and liberation, I still feel as though I'm fully immersed in the mass psychosis, psychological war, or however you may define todays current socio-political climate. The paradox is endless, infinite, eternal. I hope you enjoy a few of these images that I've deemed my favorite thus far. So many more to come. I'm so grateful to have the time and space to fully immerse myself in this project at the moment. Thank you all for your support. I couldn't do this without you. 





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