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new page! finally! two to three more to go until this sequence is done.  i've learned a lot doing these and the whole process has become a lot more enjoyable, i had a lot of fun with the colors this time ✨



Sweet Sugar (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-23 05:19:25 Poor Jay!
2024-03-23 05:19:25 Poor Jay!
2024-03-23 05:19:25 Poor Jay!
2024-03-23 05:19:25 Poor Jay!
2024-03-23 05:19:25 Poor Jay!
2024-03-23 05:19:25 Poor Jay!
2024-03-23 05:19:25 Poor Jay!
2024-03-23 05:19:25 Poor Jay!
2024-03-14 08:07:34 Poor Jay!

Poor Jay!