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It’s October! And unfortunately my life has not slowed down much, that said! I’m still working on things will have some new fun goodies for y’all this month!

This month’s offerings:

  •  New art talk post on stylized b00bs (or more light stuff depending on what’s finished first)

  • New sketch dump

  • New speed paint

  • A look at some re-drawn comic pages I’ve finished recently

  • A sneak peak at some of the art development for another Batcat video I’m working on

  • Another sneak peak at some Halloween appropriate OCs from a story I hope to develop into a pilot someday

Regarding the comic:

Still in the works but getting closer to a public release, as stated in the list above I’ll have updated artwork to share this month

Regarding the Showtime video:

Due to some technical difficulties, I’ll be taking a SHORT pause as I wait to purchase a new Apple pen, it’s an expensive piece of equipment, but I should be able to afford one soon enough

End notes:

I got my vaccines done the other day so unfortunately this post is few days late (needed some time to rest) I hope all you all enjoy what I have to share this month, take care!



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