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I just want to start this off by saying, I'm so incredibly grateful to everyone who has subscribed to my Patreon over the last year or so that I've been running this page. Your support has meant so much to me, and I can't begin to describe the incredulity I feel that you all have stuck around for so long to see my behind the scenes art processes. 

With that said, I feel I've been gradually dropping the ball the last few months, as my posts have become fewer and farther in between. I've been dealing with a lot of sudden drastic changes in my professional life (which is a good thing! I'm busy because I'm getting more opportunities!) but unsurprisingly those commitments have drastically cut into my energy resources and my ability to consistently produce new personal work for this page.  On top of that, I've been dealing with some mysterious health problems for the last week or so that have also led to my decision to put this page on hiatus. I'm hoping it's nothing serious, but I anticipate feeling under-the-weather for a while, which is also making it difficult to produce personal work.

I think it's going to be best for my mental and physical well-being for now to put this Patreon on hold and take time to focus on creating for myself without feeling the external pressure of needing to produce for a paying audience. Starting tomorrow August 1st I'll be using the pause feature on this page so that you can still access it, but no one will be billed for the foreseeable future. 

Thank you so much, everyone, for your support and I hope to see you all around on Twitter and Instagram!


Christopher Kenu Huang

Thank you so much for making this in the first place! Hope the mysterious illness gets better!!!

no name

Rest well and hope your illness isn’t something serious !!

Lulu Tang

go get those jobbies!! thank you for sharing your work with us here so far and I hope you're able to rest and get better soon.

Jessie Stardust

Take care of yourself. Thanks for the lovely art!