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  • animation tease2.mp4



Hey all!

Just some quick news, my main SSD crashed a few days ago, but I've gotten it fixed and everything is back up and running. Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to make some new audio edits for you all for next week, as I'm leaving tomorrow to visit family.

So, I thought I'd give you guys a little teaser for some new animation projects that I've been working on! I hope to complete them in January, but I'll keep you updated on progress. Enjoy!

Happy Holidays!




Yoo these are already looking fire! I can see the improvements already 😊 keep it up Volkor, you got this ❤️


Happy holidays! And the WIPs look great! With learning animations along with your audio skills you'll become immensely powerful. I'm myself doing the inverse, mainly an animator learning audio for some of my creations. Although I'm in both areas a relative beginner, I've primarily made still renders.


hellol! Tracer's Cheat Day part3 and 4 video not showing?