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Beautiful biker Anna Herrin shot by top fashion photographer Ben Watts at Heros Motorcycles in Hollywood for treats! magazine issue 10




This set has a sense of pizzazz that a NuMuse could never have. Very nice. Really well made set. I would have liked some full frontal shots though. Why cover up?


Agree. She's expressing herself because Watts allowed her to do so. On the other hand, Bellmere usually pushes and twists his models like they're full-sized Barbie dolls. They end up being uncomfortable, unnatural, unhappy.


Do you have some pictures of ann sophie thieme ?


Ben Watts is one of the best photographers to have worked with Treats. Every one of his sets has been excellent. I definitely want them to collaborate again.

kazimir lai

pls givs us a part 2 with more outtakes!