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Luffy was DOPE this episode.


One Piece FULL-LENGTH - Episodes 553 - 556

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me.



--"I love heroes but I don't want to be one!" In other words, "I love Grandpa but I don't want to be a Marine." It took 9 years for me to make this connection. They call him Garp the Hero. --Brook fantasy music is cool and all with him achieving mass hypnosis, but I checked and you're right that it was like 2 panels. --SBS asked Oda how Shanks/Rayleigh would compare after this Haki feat, and he freely said that they could have knocked out all 100,000 fishmen. He also said it depends on power gap, not just power and numbers, and that this same Luffy would have knocked out 0 if they were top level; and that a master can choose who to spare.


This is my favourite of your fact comments in a while. I really like all of this stuff, haha.