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This honestly blew me away. What a first episode.


Dan Da Dan FULL-LENGTH - Episode 1

Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me. MAIN CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/c/JentWatches/ 🎁 PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/JentWatches 🐦 TWITTER - https://twitter.com/JentWatches 🎮 TWITCH - https://www.twitch.tv/jentgames 🎶 TIKTOK - https://www.tiktok.com/@jentwatchesyt


Phillip Barth

This episode was absolutely crazy xD One quick thing, Ken Takakura is a famous real-life actor. I wanted to mention it cause I don't know if the show will ever mention it cause in Japan he is a total houshold name. Imagine if she had said George Clooney for example. The real Ken Takakura died in his 80s like 10 years ago or so, so while I haven't read the manga, so I know as much about the show as you do xD I doubt that the show is suggesting this kid is THEE Ken Takakura, more that it's a kid with the same name. Maybe we will find that his mom was a fan of the movies or something and therefor pike Takakura as his "given name", since Ken seems like it might be a common family name in Japan.

Phillip Barth

Ohhh also, apparently half this season was leaked way early on pirate sites due to some mess-up within Netflix (allegedly), and some people are worried it will really hurt the shows numbers, since a % of people will have watched it when it leaked on some pirate site, instead of watching it on Netflix or Crunchyroll, so there is some worries that the viewing numbers of the first half of the season will be below what they should be, which in turn could reduce overall hype and reduce the chances for a second season, which would suck. Not sure if that's just doom-saying though