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Gather round to watch a grown man cry for the 4th time in the past few days.



Here is the full-length reaction, you must have your own footage to be able to watch it properly with me. MAIN CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/c/JentWatches/ 🎁 PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/JentWatches 🐦 TWITTER - https://twitter.com/JentWatches 🎮 TWITCH - https://www.twitch.tv/jentgames 🎶 TIKTOK - https://www.tiktok.com/@jentwatchesyt



I fully intended this to hit you hard, I'm so evil. The most drastic and fairly smart adaption is that the Nami fan was originally an unemployed, lazy, socially anxious 20 year old man who collects posters of all the pretty pirate ladies and is very obsessed with Nami. Seeing her in person made him promise to fix his life. The only downside is that with more screen time they could have fully adapted the fan for every Straw Hat because the "Straw Hat Stories" novel (2017) is an anthology about people inspired by each of them, each in a different place and time, ranging from the war to post-Dressrosa. Yet what they did accomplish by combining/adapting aspects of 6 of them into one story whose point was "converging fate" was genius. Sanji, Robin, and Usopp fans had to be left out (and the ones we had were very brief) but the cast of strangers contributed to saving the Sunny. I wanted the anthology to become a series with a full episode per fan, that type of filler would have been great during this break. But at least they still went all out for the anime's 25th year.

Phillip Barth

This special was directed by Megumi Ishitani. She has had full direction credit for 3 One Piece episodes (late 900s and early 1000s, not gonna give you numbers to avoid spoilers) as well as the two newest openings, and all of her work has been amazing. What many regard as the best episode in the entire show was directed by her. In fact the only reason I picked the show back up (I quit during some of the horrible pacing in Dressrosa years and years ago) was cause I saw clips of one of these episodes. She is such a HUGE talent! Specifically cause she somehow crams soooo much visually exciting stuff into the scene without it ever feeling overwhelming. Her sense of how the scene has to flow to still make sense is amazing. So if you liked what you saw here from a direction and story-board point of view, then get excited for those episodes. Regarding the animation, most modern episodes of One Piece have individual scenes that are as well animated as this was. Not the entire thing usually, but basically big fight scenes and impactful moments all look like this special in terms of fluid animation, colors etc... But obviously not with this next level directing that Ishitani adds (except for her 3 episodes), so that's also something to look forward to.