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Yeah I know I only posted the exclusive for April yesterday, but I was late, so I gotta do this right now if I wanna have time :D

Hello! Welcome to a new month! The usual reminder is below.

Each month, y'all in the Young Bird tier get to put forward a prompt for a short story, which can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. Then the prompts are voted on by you and the patrons in the Hatchling tier, with you getting two votes, and the prompt that gets the most votes will be written out by yours truly as a minimum 5000-word short story. (I may rework the prompt a bit: for instance I've sometimes changed the title and altered some details, but I try to keep the general gist of it intact.)

So: gimme your prompts! You have until Sunday, May 12th, at 12.00 noon CEST to do so, so please don't be late :)

And as always, thank you for your patience.



It all comes back to you. A teen mother gave up her son for adoption so she could finish high-school, now a grown woman with a family of her own she is contacted by a representative of her first child who is trying to get in touch with her. She is eager to meet but she discovers that her son and daughter at home have a older sister instead of a brother.

Juniper Sanchez

Resubmitting this one to try again Coincidences: When a young lesbian in an arranged marriage decides that she can't go through with the wedding, she decides to go tell her fiance. Only to walk in on "him" and lean "his" terrible secret