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The girls from Elysian realm have various challenges for you to try today 💕

This video has lots of stuff: armpits, shoes, feet, 3 different endings(spoiler - 1 ending includes 5 options on how to 💦💦💦, so that's technically 8 endings total). Therefore the upload is a little too long, almost a monthly joi long, but I hope everyone will find something they like in this one :3

p.s. it's a good idea to have a notepad opened or something like that, just so you don't have to keep those points in mind, have fun ^^

JOIdatabase link - https://www.the-joi-database.com/watch/538ede55885b3a0fea458c77


792.99 MB file on MEGA



wish they all bullied me with their shoes ><


I have to say, that was the best ending to your jois that I've ever played.


Ah, the one you get for obtaining all of the points. I thought the whole 'pick who to cum for, all of whom have downsides to cumming for them' whilst getting increasingly debuffed for refusing them, was a really cool, well executed idea.