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Hey, Haunties! The Vatican put out this press release informing the public that they will be publicly addressing the mystical phenomena of UFOs and alien beings. Link to tomorrows conference can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/c/VaticanNews

What do you think they’re going to say?? Will you be watching? I’ll do a recap video if anything of note happens! The Vatican has long been rumored to have recovered a crashed UFO in the 1930s. David Grusch, one of the 3 whistleblowers who testified in front of congress last year, gave an interview which touched on this in June 2023.

Here’s his quote from his News Nation interview that same month:  “1933 was the first recovery in Europe, in Magenta, Italy. They recovered a partially intact vehicle, and the Italian government moved it to a secure airbase in Italy until around 1944-1945. The Pope back-channeled that and told the Americans what the Italians had and we ended up scooping it.”

Eager to hear everyone’s thoughts!




Hey guys! I’m watching the livestream now and taking notes. The stream is in Italian, but the main speaker seems to speak it as a second language so it hasn’t been too hard to follow yet. - Aly


I have always said i will never declare to be an -ist, believe an only one -ism, or subscribe to one -ology. I believe in everything and nothing. The universal consciousness has always been and always will be. We visit points on it, like its a big sphere, as our thoughts intensify about certain things, in both positive and negative ways. We pop around as we are pulled towards or can focus ourselves to get to points that make up an Earthly lifespan. Thats what I have experienced at least. I judge no one's path. We all just want to pop to the loving points if we can get there.❤️