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I just went on a long road trip and heard this Joe Rogan podcast ep where Terrence Howard basically says physics is a farce because straight lines don’t exist in nature, gravity is not what they say it is, humans are the product of a “fruiting” Sun, and so many other really thoughtful interesting ideas. Honestly, I don’t know what to think. He was so captivating and hit a lot of ideas (like the intersection of divinity, nature, and consciousness) that I ponder about often. I’m wondering if anyone has any opinions on it??? Give it a listen bc wtf I feel like I just went on a DMT trip listening to that ep lmao. I want to believe him!

Here’s the link. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g197xdRZsW0&pp=ygUZam9lIHJvZ2FuIHRlcnJlbmNlIGhvd2FyZA%3D%3D



Elizabeth of Alabama

I listened to the whole episode today & found it rather fascinating. And I wasn’t expecting that at all.


Ok. So, a) Nat, absolutely would be there 1000% if you did any kind of podcast on this, and b) I didnt realize it was Terrence Howard, the actor as I've come to know him, who I always thought was sooo gifted and I actually got teary when he was nominated for an Oscar. And after seeing this...YES. I am utterly fascinated. I'm there. No question. 💯