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My friend in LA found this baby possum and I was able to coordinate finding a rehabber for the baby in LA all the way from GA! Guess I’m part of the underground possum network now lol. The noise this thing makes as it ATTACKS the watermelon is so cute <3

thank you all so kindly for the support and thanks 2 Aly for her adorable drawings! Feeling good about the year ahead!



Surf Side 6 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-24 05:52:24 Wonderful! Are they good eating? Sorry, wrong podcast!
2024-06-24 05:52:24 Wonderful! Are they good eating? Sorry, wrong podcast!
2024-06-20 02:34:30 Wonderful! Are they good eating? Sorry, wrong podcast!

Wonderful! Are they good eating? Sorry, wrong podcast!


BABBYYY <3 Another day, another life protected!