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I made this on a 2 hour train ride today, what other LGH-themed Valentine's Day cards should I make?? Leave suggestions in the comments and I'll make some more before 2/14!




Wanton for you. Alternatively wanton you like a green teen wanton to gtf out of an elderly knight's house


“I’ll still love you even if the aliens are hot” “Will you wendi-go out with me?”. “Aly could drive through our wedding” “without my green ribbon I’d fall head over heels for you” (fairytale about girl with green ribbon around her neck which holds her head on). “This picture of the mothman statue’s butt is designed to turn you on”


let’s spend this Valentines day learning to syncronise our blinks to unsettle our friends at a later time. [yes] [no]


Here’s one: My love for you is just like my sleep paralysis demon; You haunt my dreams and I am speechless in your presence

Auburn Rae

I'd face the Hat Man for you.