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It's a soggy and rainy day here... Perfect day to finish my duck poster!!

Only problem is I kept seeing more cool ducks while drawing this and wanted to draw them too.... A problem I think we can all relate to.



Little Tunny

My mom insists I was reincarnated from a duck. She says I came out of the womb quacking. I think they're pretty cool

Alex Reeder

These are all Supreme and Lovely quackers 💖


One time I drove by a farm that had moscovy ducks and I made my ex stop the car and turn around so I could get a better look at them. They look fake in real life.


Throwing away my field guide as I type this. Will ID ducks exclusively using this graphic from now on. Can't wait to take my camera out to the ponds.

Little Tunny

My aunt has a couple that terrorize her backyard in Florida. Apparently people really hate them and theyre pests, if you ask anyone from Florida theyre like oh FUCK those DUCKS!!!!! But me? I think theyre funny and good


I, too, frequently experience duck overwhelm.


Why can’t cats and dogs come in this range of colors!!! 😭

Erin Arnold

Moscovy ducks have small populations down here in Florida and they terrorize every person they see. My sisters old apartment complex had like 15 of them and they straight up chase and try to bite you.

Little Tunny

Gsjdhdkshs I was just telling someone in a thread above how if you ask anyone from Florida about them they’re like “FUCK THOSE THINGS!!” I love that they’re evil... I probably would be too if my face was like that

Erin Arnold

I saw that right after I posted my comment lmao. I think they're neat with their little turkey faces, but they are hostile and territorial lol. I love all birds, evil or not because they're all dinosaurs.

Little Tunny

I love your rational approach to birds. Ever since my dad got attacked by a goose (he deserved it) when I was 4 I’ve know their true power and respected it!!


RUDDY!!! IVE SEEN ONE their blue beak is amazing