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Hey! I've got more preview pages to share with you all today.  Sorry that the drawings are really light, hopefully it's legible enough to follow along with what's happening.

After the heavily altered intro from the last post, I tried to keep things pretty similar in this set of pages. The joke doesn't come across super well in these roughs but this first page is Edgar's friends doing a roulette wheel with customers and the current customer lands on a tile that says "must do a backflip". I felt like that scene could use an extra boost of humor as I make the introductions snappier and less important.

Scarlet continues to be paranoid about being an outsider and Edgar sends her off to attempt to have fun. I wanted to keep a joke at the end of this scene but I felt like the interview bit in the first version wasn't that funny so I wanted to make a joke about someone getting a severe sunburn from being outside in line.

Scarlet is still stunned by all the cool costumes but I wanted to get further away from surface level parodies because I always want to put a little more thought into both my worlds and my jokes, spot the reference didn't do it for me pretty early after I drew it in the first version. I also wanted to make some tweaks to hint at future things; Scarlet is really into costume design but is only a consumer at this point. Her friendship with Camille who makes her own costumes will be a relevant detail later in the story.

Scarlet still gushes about Lovely Baby and Camille is still all vibes, but I had fun adding little details to their first interactions. It's always nice when you can turn up the acting on a second pass, it adds a lot more life to this scene.

That's all for now! I'm like.... 4 and a half pages away from having all the thumbs/layouts done for the chapter. I'm soooo ready to be done with these redraws and work on new shit!! (Although I am going to stretch out ONE scene in chapter 6 but that will just be editing one page into 2-3 so it's nothing this intensive)

I'll have another set of pages coming soon, thanks for checking it out!




I didn't get the notification, saw the post on bluesky. Hopefully it doesn't happen again!


Scarlet geeking out is so cuuute! 🥰❤❤❤❤