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  • Ladscast_19_-_All_About_... - audiogram.mp4



Lot of silliness going on with the internet these days



Nathan Woods

I actually just had a chat with Weed Jesus, as it happens. We both denounce AJ for his snubbing of Ups N Downs Edit: I also like the behind the scenes stuff. Weed Jesus is napping currently, I'll ask when he wakes up


I see now why others have been doing long names to you guys, it's fun. Also, yes, "Powerbunga" is confirmed. Pretty fun comics if you're a fan of TMNT or Power Rangers.


WAIT. Was AJ doing the Sandford and Son theme song? Is that what that was?

Grouchiest Marxiest

Also for AJ: https://youtu.be/cyQA31bMRP4?si=pncwCQ4WDP9ZOPZa


More behind the scenes please. Also I’ve had hard times come again no more stuck in my head since the one man show dropped. I feel like i’m living in Civ 6 on a never ending america play through

Aaron Whitehouse

I enjoy the behind the scenes information. I am letting you know in the comments.


Love the behind the scenes stuff! Also, didn't actually realize I was at the $10 tier until I heard A.J. read of my name and nearly fell out of my bed with panic/confusion. Great work with everything guys!