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  • Ladscast_21_-_Echoes_of_... - audiogram.mp4
  • Ladscast_21_-_Echoes_of_... - audiogram.mp4
  • Ladscast_21_-_Echoes_of_... - audiogram.mp4



It's another DLC episode of Ladscast! This month, we jump into the ring-shaped river flowing around The Stranger and get into the very ambitious expansion of the already ambitious Outer Wilds.



Noblesse Oblahaj

When you said the words "it's very dark", I perked up expecting the thief 2 joke- and I noticed the expectation because it didn't come. I have a Pavlovian humor response to those three words spoken by your voices.

Noblesse Oblahaj

Two questions remain unanswered. Is Pippin an orange cat? Can we see Pippin?


Ok so I've been holding off on your Outer Wilds episodes. I've put like 6 hours into that game and I feel like I made no progress. Should I just give up?

Justine Moore

In response to your intro and for what it's worth, I upgraded my membership just to listen to this. Outerwilds is one of my favorite games of all time (definitely my favorite of it's genre) and this has very quickly become one of my favorite podcasts. So... You got one $10 patron from talking about something that spoils it the second you start to talk about it ☺️