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  • 153_-_Cities_Skylines_... - audiogram.mp4
  • 153_-_Cities_Skylines_... - audiogram.mp4
  • 153_-_Cities_Skylines_... - audiogram.mp4



Justin Roczniak (Well There’s Your Problem) joins the lads from some good, old-fashioned city planning as they cover Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive’s 2015 city building simulator: Cities: Skylines. Topics include the origins of city building sims, the many pleasures of Ulm, and the horrors of fully-rendered teeth in a game where you just want to optimize traffic flow.

Justin Roczniak: Twitter // Youtube

Well There’s Your Problem is a podcast about engineering disasters and systemic failures, from a leftist perspective, with jokes.

Media Referenced in this Episode:

TWOAPW theme by Brendan Dalton: Patreon // brendan-dalton.com // brendandalton.bandcamp.com

Commercial: “Andy Phillips Presenting to the Doodleburg Town Council On the Eve of the Great ‘Fill The Hole’ Construction Project, July 15th, 2044 ” // Written by A.J. Ditty // Starring A.J. Ditty as “Councilman Mancouncil” and David Armstrong as “Andy Phillips” and “Charles Foster Chungus”.




At last, a podcast without slides!

Noblesse Oblahaj

You should have him back to talk about that other game, Workers and Resources ( if he's heard of it )


FYI The UFO was lifted wholesale from the Doctor Who Serial "City of Death" (arguably the best classic Who serial), not "The Prison Planet" (which does not exist}.


Rocz on TWoAPW is my Deadpool vs. Wolverine. I think the Liam episode should be about Eras Tour


I went to a Methodist preschool (no one in my family is Methodist, I think they just had an opening) and they didn't expell the kid who bit me.


It's an entirely different kind of city simulator.


I use so many mods and DLCs for Cities: Skylines I forget how bland the base game actually is. What would I do without 5-10 district styles from the Steam workshop?

Soup Dealer

Is Brian’s CS stream upload anywhere? I wasn’t able to watch but would love to see Odyssey be built/destroyed

John Her

Revelation today: Roz is a fan of Classic Who

Marty Shambles

I don’t think I have the right kind of neurodivergence for this game

Lars Arney

Now Brian just needs to go on WTYP – someone needs to make them finally do a Church Rock episode


Ulm's Hat DLC just announced for Cities in Motion!

John Leavitt

they mention Caesar and Pharaoh but not the apotheosis of the series, Emperor. A game so good and well balanced I still play it from time to time to relax and once used it to get into the pants of an anthropology grad student. who has been borrowing my copy of it for the last 15 years


Maxis was going to make a Mars colonization/city builder game called Sim Mars back in the late 90s, but it got cancelled because The Sims was a runaway success and they put all of their focus on making expansion content for it. 😞

David Vetten

Instead of writing “Ulm mentioned”, I will give you this classic german tongue twister: “In Ulm und um Ulm und um Ulm herum, wachsen Ulmen.” I also recommend the classic song “In Ulm und um Ulm und um Ulm herum” by Gus Backus. The song is about finding love in Ulm and also finding out the girl from Ulm, that you are dating, already has a “Supermann”-Boyfriend.


donoteat01? Oh hell yeah, makes great videos

Ronin Fredricson

As an exhange student in Louisiana once my host family friends went to a drive-through Frozen Margarita place and I was like "I just don't understand how this is legal? Is it not inviting people to drink and drive?" And they were like "No, no. Seem They put a little piece of tape over the straw-hole."


The one in my grandma's home town had a drink named the DWI. It had everclear in it lmao


Holy Schmitt! I live in Ulm. I'm writing this a few hundred meters from the Münster. What are the chances? I feel so seen right now.


i like how it was widely considered a complete mystery where the hum in sw detroit was coming from until they finally shut down zug island for covid. who'd a thunk it


Ya'll might find this edifying in a ridiculous sort of way but as a long time Paradox Map Game Enjoyer I fully believe the reason Ulm was a DLC for CO's earlier game is because there's a meme about Ulm being the most gloriously powerful empire of all time in what is arguably Paradox's "main" game, Europa Universalis.

Lars Arney

reminds me of a spooky little fiction pod called “well there’s nour vroblem” …the spookiness is mostly OSHA violations

Joshua G

Europa Universailis also had a DLC that broke records for negative reviews on steam. It broke the game in a literal sense for a while. So great track record on Paradox's part there. EU5 is in development and hopefully it won't kill all of our computers on launch. I do want to see what happens if AJ tries to play EU4 though. I think it may just break him so it is probably wise to avoid.

Elaine Åhlfeldt

So the horse meat scandal was a case of insufficient supply chain quality control. IKEA meatballs are store branding for a large domestic grocery distributor, but neither party knew they were selling horse meat. The distributor eventually repeated the tests and confirmed they'd detected horse meat as well, but no concrete explanation of how it happened ever got released. So most likely wholesaler slacked on looking into the people they bought their beef from and got one or more faulty batches that ended up in the final food before it was noticed. Eventually their supplier was tracked down and claimed they'd been tricked in turn by their butcher, who claimed to also have been tricked by someone else. A veritable matryoshka of "ain't my responsibility". No charges ended up being filed against any party, though. Well there's your horse corner