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Hellloooooo, we’re The Worst of All Possible Worlds, we remember it so you don’t have to! We all remember Doug Walker, you know, that guy with the glasses, the tie, and the plain white background because they clearly couldn’t afford a better set? Well, wouldn’t you know it, he created a character called the Nostalgia Critic, a loud, obnoxious, Looney Tunes-adjacent blowhard who got famous for being very mad about Batman having a credit card. But does he have anything to say about our current critical landscape or do his over-the-top antics make him look like a groundhog on meth? Let’s take a look at: The Nostalgia Critic.

REMINDER: SUBMISSIONS FOR OUR ANNUAL CALL-IN EPISODE ARE OPEN! Call +1 347 857 9523 and leave us a voice mail letting us know what the show meant to you this year and/or what your favorite moments were. We look forward to hearing from you!

Media Referenced in this Episode:

TWOAPW theme by Brendan Dalton: Patreon // brendan-dalton.com // brendandalton.bandcamp.com

Interstitial: “Foobies.com” // Written by A.J. Ditty // Featuring Brian Alford as “Sexy Brian” and Josh Boerman as “Phineas Foob” // Music: “Careful Shouting” by Highway Superstar




This feels like a topic designed specifically to exorcise the cringiest parts of me

Ann Vagueness

I received Chuck Norris' autobiography when I went through confirmation at my church.

Peter Larkin

Nearly three hours on the Nostalgia Critic? Well I know what half my workday is going to be listening to.

Peter Larkin

Every time that Spoony and Brad Jones get mentioned and swiftly not discussed (fair enough it's a long episode) all I can feel is pity and derision in that order. The former had issues, got help and is seemingly a better person. The latter was and by all accounts remains a grade A prick. Which sucks cause a lot like AJ was, when I was younger I was a huge fan of all things Channel Awesome related. Can't even simply ignore it because, frankly, without the friends I made via the community to do with Channel Awesome I'd have killed myself by now. A bit maudlin perhaps, but any discussion of this topic tends to bring it out of me. Either way, the first half has been fantastic, hope Josh doesn't murder the other two as I'm looking forward to the second.

Jordan Clementi

This is going to be roughly as much of group therapy for my childhood as the Adventures in Odyssey episodes.


Nostalgia Critic and I go waaaaay back. I watched him after my relative told me about him; she probably thought I was a good audience for his content. Why? I was watching Irate Gamer at the time 😭😭. No other episode is making me itchy to talk about this with the fellas!!

Amy Godliman

I like the idea of a Worst of All Possible Chicks but there is a risk they might progress stylistically really fast and end up being a Hugo nominated essayist with a legitimate career as a fiction writer and…I dunno, it’d make for some really weird comparisons.

Amy Godliman

Thanks for this episode though, I, like AJ, am cursed with so much knowledge about the roster of TGWTG and their accompanying lore. Like when someone there invited The Amazing Atheist to do a trailer review show and he couldn’t get through two episodes without being so racist he had to be immediately dropped. An odd, odd time in culture.

t o r t

Yippee yippee!!

Peter Larkin

Well finished the whole episode. It was very good, felt actually really balanced even though the vibe overall wasn't a positive view. Don't know if that makes sense, this is what I get for just putting comments about this out into the abyss as they come.

Teddy k.

the MST3K comparison really confirms my suspicion that all of the good parts of our modern culture started on minneapolis public access TV

Noblesse Oblahaj

YouTube went from 10 minute videos to an eight hour essay on an isometric horror game. Damn, run times have really inflated over the years


I never cared for Nostalgia Critic or AVGN. Any Homestar Runner people here? That was my jam, and unfortunately(?), my entire sense of humor for years.


Holy shit that essay reveal hit me like a ton of bricks. That was very brave, AJ

Amy Godliman

As someone who watched too much of this stuff way back when I’m fascinated by Doug(and his team)’s lack of progress, the anniversary films in particular. Whilst Kickassia isn’t good, the basic idea – a group of friends invade and take over a country, but it’s just a weird micro nation in Nevada – isn’t bad, I could imagine an old Danny McBride property using a plot like that. Suburban Knights is less inspired, but the basic plot of a LARP accidentally getting involved in real magic is the plot of several (likely also bad) small budget nerd movies. Finally you hit To Boldly Flee and it’s just…nothing, it’s an Epic Movie, just a series of references to other movies with less coherence than a sketch show. No wonder this one was the last straw for so many involved, I can’t imagine coming back year after year to a project that gets worse each time, even aside from the terrible treatment many were subjected to.


Don't worry Brian, /I/ was impressed by and envious of your All State Choir brag


This showed up in my inbox, like "oh NOOO!"

Ijon Tichy

Film Cow (Charlie the Unicorn, Llamas with Hats) are still going strong though.

Evan Hawkins

Mopetuah, Pander on that hell


Some of us are still on FARK. And I think it's worth pointing out that Drew Curtis decided many years ago that exploitative soft porn, homophobia and other negative content did not belong on his website, and got rid of them.


Also, I insist on posting some of my best greenlights here: 1. 'Swaziland in uproar over the stolen leopard-skin cape of King Mswati III. No word on his tigerstripe slingbacks with the six-inch heels' 2. 'Hell's Angel's store in Charlottetown, Canada closed by police. Authorities now stuck with hundreds of Hummel figurines of "Getting his Red Wings," and "Stomping His First Squealer" 3. 'Ugandan man-eating croc captured after claiming 80 lives. Will be punched hard, sail up into air, come back down as fine luggage' 4. '6.2 earthquake hits Kamchatka, totally spoiling plans to attack Alaska, thus depriving opponent of five armies per turn'



Ilian Petit

23:45 I paused immediately because I thought I knew who that was. So much of that review was written with the same weird phrasings and pointless adverbs you can find in Ben Shapiro's writing

Aaron Whitehouse

Greatest interstitial of all time, oh my god

Anne Huston

Love to be the final collaborator, the audience, with TWoaPW


First you referenced the kayfabe of AVGN Vs The Critic and later you talk about how he's parodying a guy while also being that same type of guy. That is *also* wrestling. Ric Flair wasn't a good guy flaunting his money and talking about all the women he'd slept with, but slowly he unironically became that guy, completely losing his self awareness. Also you just got me to watch the first 10 minutes of Gervais meets Shambling and omg does this kid get destroyed by Gary.

John Leavitt

I am exactly the right kind of elder millennial that I’m scrubbing through the episode to see if the tangentially-related person I had a quasi-date with is mentioned

Rob F

Please tell me it was Sleazy Michael. I need to know more about Sleazy Michael.


My dad who is at the VERY oldest side of Gen X got me into homestar runner in the 2000s. It’s a great resource for autistic echolalia bits that get the whole family going

Jay V

I was in the middle of work when I listened to this this morning and had to fuckin pause where I was for a hot second when that drive-by mention of HAWP happened because it sent me back 15 goddamned years

Dave Urda

You guys need to watch area 88

Josiah Sutton of the Fruitless Podcast

Corey Taylor’s kid used to be a regular at a coffee shop I worked at and he would always come in and loudly sing along to music he was listening to on his headphones while in line and then he’d order a vanilla shake in a fake English accent, ending the interaction with "thanks, bruv."



Rob F

I’ actually kinda curious how the Corey collab happened. I don’t listen to Slipknot, so my main impression of him is his appearance on QI. He comes across as an adorably awkward introvert who is *trying* How that might play into relationships to his kid, and then The Wall vid is …. Intriguing if not necessarily a question for media crit.

Dylan Lewis

You've got to a least admire the insanity of making a whole terribl musical "parody" with corey taylor for a movie you feel completely indifferent about like why the wall to do a review musical of. I'm sure theres got to be other options, I really wanna know why the wall specifically but feel like the answer is gonna be something stupid like corey taylor or his son mentioned he liked pink floyd

Corey Bushle

I heard you guys on Lions Led By Donkeys last week and was instantly hooked to subscribe when I saw this topic. Great stuff!

Donovan Miller

Grinning and tearing up at once at the end there AJ, thanks all of you for being yourselves and sharing that. It’s incredibly special and makes me think more carefully about the world

murt pie

Broken Pixels was the name of the 1UP show.