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NOTE: THIS EPISODE HAS NOW BEEN RECORDED! We plan to release it this weekend. With that said, feel free to add additional comments/questions and we might address them in a future AMA! 

Hello to patrons new and old! Last night we surpassed the momentous and auspicious milestone of 100 subscribers here on Patreon. To commemorate this, we're going to record a patron-only Q&A mini-podcast, which we'll release within the next few days. 

So, here's our AMA. What do you want to know about the show? About us? About what we've done so far and where we're going? Feel free to submit your questions below in the comments or by emailing us at worstofallpossibleworlds@gmail.com. We'll do our best to answer all questions we receive to the best of our abilities!



Ethan Everhart

- Who are your favorite playwrights? - What play most needs a film adaptation? - What film would be better on stage?

Brandon Chinn

You all talked about Dark Souls, what are your favorite RPGs in general?


What is an example of Christian cinema that is so bad it’s actually good?


Also, speaking of games, will we ever get a *series* on that very iconic and very tall and steep mountain, ie. Final Fantasy VII?


why can't i tell any of your voices apart while actually listening to the episodes? you all sound the same to me


One more: any rock opera episodes in the future? Both Pete Townshend and Andrew Lloyd Weber could always use more appreciation. Would also appreciate your guys’ take on American Idiot the musical or that cursed Spider-Man show.

Anne Huston

Which of you would suck a penis instead of going to prison? Is there anything you *wouldn't* suck instead of going to prison?

Ben Ferber

What is your soundboard setup and what effects are on it? Are there any sounds yo u haven’t played in an episode yet? Is Brian the sole arbiter of what fresh hell is loaded onto it?

Three Memes in a Trenchcoat

Have you seen the Much Ado About Nothing production from 2011 with Catherine Tate and David Tennant and if so what so you think?

Jared Chinn

Favorite episode of Adventures in Odyssey?

Ciara Rhiannon

When did each of you guys break away from your respective religions that you grew up in and what were the catalysts for those experiences? How have your experiences with religion affected your tastes in the fiction/art you consume?

Max Graves

fuck, marry, kill: whit, chris, regis blackgaard

Aysha U. Farah

How do you think your time growing up in the church affected you as artists?