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We like to post on here whenever one of us goes on another show. This one's for the real Odyssey-heads. 

WODFAMCHOCPOD: Each week Dylan Weaver and Andrew Acebo get together and break down the storytelling of an episode of Adventures in Odyssey through a modern lens. A.J. went on to talk about #35 "V.B.S. Blues," a strange Phil Lollar episode from the early days of the show. We've put the Apple Podcasts link up top, or grab it via your platform of choice below:


‎WODFAMCHOCPOD: 195 - V.B.S. Blues (with A.J. Ditty) on Apple Podcasts

Discussion of Adventures in Odyssey episode 35 V.B.S. Blues, the fifth episode of Album 2: The Wildest Summer Ever. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @WODFAMCHOCPOD Email us at WODFAMCHOCPOD@gmail.com Links: Subscribe to our bonus content! Our Merch Store! (featuring designs by Mikayla Moell...



I looked the first episode of The Ties That Bind. Made it about halfway lol. I bet poor old Mr. Whitaker gets his shop vandalized just because he hates the queers and we learn a valuable lesson about how "the so-called tolerant are actually the intolerant."


Ooh! Do I win a prize? Is there a crusty cardboard treasure chest full of finger traps and those plastic frogs that jump?