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As we get ready for the holiday season (or is it the arguing season?), we settle down with some treats, some drinks, and ChatGPT as we go over the events of the last month. There are laughs, there is anger, and there is absolutely no editing.

Check out Doors of Divergence, the immersive show Brian is in, here! These shows have casts working in shifts, so if you want to see Brian, message him on twitter to line up schedules.

Want more TWOAPW? Get access to our full back catalogue of premium/bonus episodes and add your name to the masthead of our website by subscribing for $5/month at Patreon.com/worstofall!

TWOAPW theme by Brendan Dalton: brendan-dalton.com / brendandalton.bandcamp.com



Anne Huston

The word "fagulty" popped into my head as you were talking about Calvin faculty being down with the LGBT. You can have that one if you want it.

John Her

Growing up in the proximity of Disneyland did the opposite for me than it did for AJ. This is because my dad got the year pass the first year it came out when I was 11 or so. Going a dozen times in a single year right when the magic starts wearing off breaks your brain

Faden Cross

I started a fresh YouTube account. I only clicked on the next recommend video. I am now fully Gonker pilled


Quick thank to all three of your for the podcast - it's been a strange and tough year but I have very much appreciated the blend of incomprehensible jokes and looks at pop culture, and Whit's Endless Torture Machine.


And it is entirely possible that watching Pearl Harbour caused me to join the Air Cadets (the cadet branch of the RAF)


And finally, I'd be interested to hear, as a non theater person from the UK, what you mean by a British style staging (I grew up in Stratford so I saw a lot of theatre but mostly just as pure entertainment)


That makes a lot of sense and does sound like what I saw of the National plays I saw