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To celebrate their 100th episode, the lads decide to take some zyme and augment their vision as they finally cover what many people (including Josh) consider to be one of the greatest video games ever made: Ion Storm’s Deus Ex. Topics include the variety of gameplay styles, the forever-memed dialogue, and the legacy of the first PC game that let you kill a guy with your legs.

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Media Referenced in this Episode:

Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition available on Steam

Warren Spector’s GDC Speech on Deus Ex

Great Moments in Video Game Voice Acting: Deus Ex (Hong Kong)

Great Moments in Video Game Voice Acting: Deus Ex (Paris)

TWOAPW theme by Brendan Dalton: Patreon // brendan-dalton.com // brendandalton.bandcamp.com

Commercial: “A Message from UNATCO and the NYC Tourism Board” feat. Jay Anthony Franke as “J.C. ‘Cramble’ Denton”.

Jay Anthony Franke: Cameo // Instagram




and yes I said yes I will Yes.

Kyle Cassidy

Oh man--seeing a link to Eegra triggered a rush of memories on the order of Proust's narrator tasting the madeleine.


Whenever people talk about Warren Spector, I always hear the little jingle from Mega64's GDC award video in my head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9q8oxkhnvI

James Cézanne-Taipale

I feel like a creative french art collective trying to take out the Statue of Liberty isn’t so far fetched.

The Token Detergent Rinser (British)

For me, this game has always been “the one that got away”: I was bad at games (still am, really) but also bad at game playing technique - I would save over my existing save every time. It took me a while, but I eventually got through the first couple of levels, and I got back to UNATCO base, met all the fun characters in there. Then, I went to embark on the next mission, and came to the corridor where it loads the next map… and the game froze. In fact, my entire computer froze. I restarted and tried again. Same issue. Every time I attempted to go through the corridor, it froze and I needed to restart. I even tried leaving it on for around 4 hours, and it still had the same problem. I eventually tried installing the game on a different PC, and copying the save file across to the other computer. Still the same issue. I finally gave up. I should go back and try to play it again.


thrigits. three. digits.

Jimmy McMillan

I've been to enough safety meetings at work to know that ladders are the most deadly tool a worker will use. Maybe the creators thought spreading ladder safety awareness was more important than making that part of the game fun

Kyle Cassidy

Planescape: Torment (the greatest game ever made) also has multiple death-by-dialogue boss encounters, ala the Gunter/Anna killwords.

Elizabeth Power

It’s a testament to the quality of this podcast that I’m not a game person and can still get sucked into listening to you I’ll talk about a game that I know absolutely nothing about and still get some enjoyment out of the conversation. Happy 100 episodes!

Nathan Woods

There is something weirdly enticing but also deeply unsettling about hearing lines clearly written by AJ read by someone who isn't one of the Lads


do you think when jay z plays deus ex he names his jc denton "jay z denton" and smiles every time its said in game

John Her

Since when is the National Science Foundation secretly waging an insurgency?


if y'all need another game to destroy a few hours of your life with may I suggest eye: divine cybermancy? it's like deus ex but more inscrutably french, and the studio that made it went on to do the wh40k space hulk games