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Alice Caldwell-Kelly (Trashfuture, Kill James Bond!, WTYP) books the lads a helicopter ride straight to the heart of Hope County as they bring about the Collapse of Ubisoft Montreal/Ubisoft Toronto’s Far Cry 5. Topics include the game’s divisive ending, the art of AAA game writing, and the rotten politics seeping out of one of the most morally compromised games ever made.

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Alice Caldwell-Kelly: Twitter / Instagram / Patreon

Trashfuture is a podcast about business success and making yourself smarter with the continued psychic trauma of capitalism.

Kill James Bond! is a comedy film review/pop culture commentary podcast about the eponymous English spy, James Bond. Alice Caldwell-Kelly, Abigail Thorn, and Devon watch a different Bond movie every fortnight in an attempt to give 007 the socialist, feminist comeuppance he so richly deserves. Free episodes are released every fortnight on all major podcast platforms and bonus episodes are released for supporters on Patreon on the interstitial weeks.

Well There’s Your ProblemApple Podcasts / Spotify / Youtube

Media Referenced in this Episode:

TWOAPW theme by Brendan Dalton: Patreon // brendan-dalton.com // brendandalton.bandcamp.com

Commercial: “The Project at Eden’s Gate feat. Melvin Abercrombie of the Hope County Abercrombies”



Josep C.

Oh dear. This game. This business. The sources linked. I'm having flashbacks. My two cents :the last good farcry games were 3 and the laser dinos 80 vibes (blood dragon) ones.

Jordan Y Clementi (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-19 20:07:08 This was the first far cry game I played. All I have to say is it was legally a video game and playing it over covid meant that it technically wasn't a waste of time.
2024-01-17 08:45:10 This was the first far cry game I played. All I have to say is it was legally a video game and playing it over covid meant that it technically wasn't a waste of time.

This was the first far cry game I played. All I have to say is it was legally a video game and playing it over covid meant that it technically wasn't a waste of time.


I've been thinking lately about why I don't usually finish open world games. The only assassin's creed I finished was 3, which I regret because thats a game that punishes you for trying to finish it by wasting your time. I haven't finished a Far Cry after 2. Conversely I've finished all 3 Mafia games and really enjoyed them, I think because, as weak as those games can be in ways, they're not trying to be everything to everyone and are mainly focused on telling a fairly competently written story, and those (admittedly pulpy) limitations of genre and story keep them focused enough to deliver a satisfying experience.


Idiotic writing aside, I actually had a blast with this game as an open world chaos simulator. Just unhinged, cartoon slapstick fun. I have some great memories ot Far Cry games even if those returns are diminishing. I can actually draw a line from the playing the original Xbox game to how much I enjoyed my recent playthrough of the Thief games.


Oh wait, I'm a "Gamer" and other adults online have differing gaming opinions so I'm supposed to rant. I am SICK and TIRED of hearing about Justin being the "hot one" in regards to NSYNC. It's so obviously LANCE! LANCE is the hot one, people!

Jordan Y Clementi (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-19 20:07:08 I am not unsympathetic to your take, while I was playing it (until I finished and there were no more goals to complete) I thought it was fun in a cartoonish way, sneaking up on a base and wrecking everyone's shit was great. It's just the moment I ran out of goals I thought were worthwhile I just flat out stopped. I couldn't make myself play anymore. I couldn't ignore how incoherent the story was, the wheels just fell off so quickly. At that moment I felt like I was presented a game that looked good but couldn't deliver on what it said it was.
2024-01-17 16:35:13 I am not unsympathetic to your take, while I was playing it (until I finished and there were no more goals to complete) I thought it was fun in a cartoonish way, sneaking up on a base and wrecking everyone's shit was great. It's just the moment I ran out of goals I thought were worthwhile I just flat out stopped. I couldn't make myself play anymore. I couldn't ignore how incoherent the story was, the wheels just fell off so quickly. At that moment I felt like I was presented a game that looked good but couldn't deliver on what it said it was.

I am not unsympathetic to your take, while I was playing it (until I finished and there were no more goals to complete) I thought it was fun in a cartoonish way, sneaking up on a base and wrecking everyone's shit was great. It's just the moment I ran out of goals I thought were worthwhile I just flat out stopped. I couldn't make myself play anymore. I couldn't ignore how incoherent the story was, the wheels just fell off so quickly. At that moment I felt like I was presented a game that looked good but couldn't deliver on what it said it was.


Not really making a "take," just saying I personally had fun with the gameplay. I'd played 3 so I expected nothing but nonsense story wise. They attempted a serious story, but that's already undermined by a game where turkeys can singlehandedly slaughter a convoy, so its actual unintentional absurdity fed into the craziness of the gameplay and world for me. Yeah, it's pretty basic reveal the map, conquer the bases, approach from any angle, open world shenanigans but that appeals to me. Especially if I get a pet bear named Cheesburger.

Noah Hinrichsen

Not the goddamn cartoon worship song!! 😂😂😂

Teague Strekal

I'm trying to play through Far Cry 6 right now, but the elements of "cultural cringe" really sap a lot of the enjoyment out of it. Some aspects of the gameplay (air drop/fast travel) break it up pretty well, but bullet-sponge enemies really pigeonhole you into that same stealth-ninja gameplay (suppressed pistol or SVD and shoot from cover). The Resolver weapons are largely unsatisfying, and I don't find myself using them. It's one of those games that I don't know whether I'll finish or not...maybe with a good enough snowstorm before winter ends.

Kazimir Zykov

it was brought up a bit on the podcast but i believe the lore is that the cult is somehow causing north korea to launch nukes

John Her

Would love to see coverage at some point on the weird Japanese/American mish-mash mess that is Resident Evil, which for some reason has some of the most bizarrely accurate gun renders as seen in IMFDB (super specific stuff like the Samurai Edge that you can make a lot of them almost exactly with real parts, as well as almost perfect airsoft replicas)


Whenever Alice's not on the podcast, all the other hosts should be asking, "Where's Alice?" Been loving the the eps on bad video games, and I appreciate the fact that y'all have to sink a lot more time into them then a bad movie or an Odyssey episode. So thanks for suffering through it!


between the last few episodes i'm pretty happy that i stopped my hobby of consuming every piece of media featured on twoapw before listening to its respective episode

Grouchiest Marxiest

I'm so glad I'm not the only IMFDB autist here.

Kyle Cassidy

Did any of you watch the recent Netflix show 'Captain Lazerhawk'? I mention it because that basically is the Ubisoft Extended Universe that Alice is hypothesizing, crossing over not just the Far Cry titles but properties as disparate as Assassin's Creed, Rayman, and Beyond Good and Evil into a unified schlocky cyberpunk melodrama.

By Tove!

River Solomon's novel *Sorrowland* explores American cult politics in a much more interesting and queer-centric way than whatever Far Cry claims it does.

Jimmy McMillan

I was introduced to three people the other day and I had to ask myself ... What is this ...?

Uncle Jam Wants You

I'm from Michigan, far cry 5 was fun for me. Made me feel like I was in Howell lol

Uncle Jam Wants You

Trust me, as a black man from Lansing, it ain't far off from I DEAL WITH from them. Seriously, sumbitch at a gas station pulled an M4 on me when I went to pay for my friends gas!

Noblesse Oblahaj

This was one of the podcasts that convinced me to sub. One, y'all got to get her back to discuss Far Cry 2. Two, did any y'all actually play Days Gone? 'Cause it actually looks at masculinity and male relationships in an interesting ( for a game ) way. I thought the way it addressed grief and anger and other stuff was unusually good. It's not a great game, the writing isn't 10/10, but it isn't as dumb as the marketing made it out to be.


I vaguely knew the ending involved nukes falling, so I assumed that it was the cult who launched them. While playing the game I kept waiting for the story to reveal that the cult had found a nuke in one of the bunkers. That would be a better final act reveal : the apocalypse doesn't come, so they decide to do it themselves