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  • 127_-_Death_Beconnies_He... - audiogram.mp4



The lads return to Odyssey for further adventures in disability, grief, and how to solve a love triangle when the third point is Jesus Christ. Topics include the edification of the disabled, Bill Kendall’s penchant for cruises, and how to properly mourn the loss of a loved one like a good, honest Christian.

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Media Referenced in this Episode:

  • Adventures in Odyssey
  • #318: A Touch of Healing, Part 1
  • #319: A Tough of Healing, Part 2
  • #320: Where is Thy Sting?
  • #322: The Turning Point

This your first Whit’s Endless Summer? Here’s the story so far!

TWOAPW theme by Brendan Dalton: Patreon // brendan-dalton.com // brendandalton.bandcamp.com

Commercial: “Dr. Oswald Oliver, M.D.” feat. Brendan Dalton as “318".



Jordan Y Clementi

I wonder what Focus on the Family would think about the erotic Catholic mystic poetry I was reading not 10 miles away from them in which Jesus was filling the nuns with the holy spirit through his dick. What I'm saying is retvrn to the time when the metaphor for a deep spiritual experience was just nutting.


Did… did AJ make a Sonic Adventure 2 reference?


In defense of McCusker, who among us hasn't seen a funny name on a sign and ended up naming a character something like Hazlet Keyport or Trout Basker or Arthur Kill?


I love how Brian has such deep knowledge of film and theater history and can make such deep references at the drop of a hat, but when Josh and AJ start quoting Wonderwall he's like "Another brick in the wall, amirite guys?"


Also Jack's threat about carrying that kid out because you can't defy parents really hit me with an old memory where I'd joked about how my parents couldn't really stop me from going to see a movie (I was a legal adult with a license) and my dad threatened to break my legs. Lol. Crazy times.

Elaine Åhlfeldt

This is mostly offtopic, but the "praying against someone" sidebar reminded me of it: There's a guy in the WWE who's currently on an incredible heel run as a spiteful and entitled bully type. When another recently returned star tore a tricep in his first match back and probably had a whole planned trajectory derailed as a result, this guy got a massive audience reaction from quipping "I rarely pray for anything, but I prayed that you would get injured in the Royal Rumble, and my prayer was answered" at him in an in-ring confrontation. He has since made a catchphrase out of saying "I'll pray for you" as an implicit threat, and it's some of the funniest shit I've seen from that company. Spite prayer is powerful.


*deletes strongly worded letter on behalf of the Whit-heads (shit-heads)* Love you guys! Thank you for torturing yourselves with each and every visit to Odyssey, like beautiful bugs who can’t stop flying directly into the bug zapper. For our love and entertainment and money. Truly doing the Lord’s work. And by the Lord, I, of course, mean red-butted, pitchfork-wielding, vandyke mustachioed Satan. (Proprietor of the eternal Electric Palace)

Joshua G

The blind girl not being able to see does make sense as it's the Molyneux question - can a blind (from birth) person, acquiring sight, recognize objects purely by sight? They've done this experiment and, apparently, they cannot. It is a thing beyond their conception - it is meaningless for them to try to "imagine" such a thing. They do learn very quickly after gaining sight though. I do think you're right that the writers are just monsters and have a horrible concept of disability. A small part of me does also think McCusker is the kind of smug bastard to put that in there to make himself seem smart though. Also, I commiserate with you, Josh, in having an "invisible" disability that feel like anything but to myself and the frustrations that go along with that. Thanks for your righteous anger regarding terrible takes on disability.

titus virginia

had a succession of thoughts about the imagination station: 1. i could be trans in the imagination station. 2. i could have a massive dick or tits in the imagination station. 3. i could be jodie foster in the imagination station. 4. despite all of this, i would spend half of my time in the imagination station in character creation

Ezra Knickelbine

hi guys, type 1 diabetic here, I know the exact kind of mad Josh got here and had forgotten about that girl who died because her parents decided to pray instead of getting her insulin until now. fuck to all systems of power that allow that sort of thing.

By Tove!

The sham discussion of the meaning of death according to Eugene's study of philosophy makes me viscerally angry. Not only does Jack refuse to let Bill describe his own values, Eugene becomes a willing straw man reinforcing Jack's point. I got so much shit like this from my parents, and I get sick of the "God's the only thing that makes sense or provides comfort in grief."

By Tove!

Specifically, Christians will pretend to ask you for an opinion as if they're being charitable and then simultaneously 1) deliberately misunderstand your ideas, 2) belittle them as nonsensical, and 3) claim there are actual no alternative views for the sake of indoctrinating their own kids.

Nick Gully

So is Elon Musk making his own Imagination Station with Neuralink?


Every time the boys hit us with a "Whose children are they?" I lose it to this day


another day co-interim-managing whit's end. everybody keeps asking me if they can be healed in the imagination station. buddy they won't even let me heal in it.


turning a big dial taht says "Technology" on it and constantly looking back at the christians for approval like a contestant on the price is right


"You may be physically handicapped but the real disability is being spiritual handicapped without Jesus" is giving "You're all minorities. You're in the Glee Club."

James Cézanne-Taipale

Hi, why did you remind me Dinner for Shmucks exists? But also I suggest watching the original French version which doesn’t have the dinner and is completely different and infinitely better. It’s called Dinner des Cons.


1. Mario's Magon Mheel is a perfect joke no notes. 2. I was relistening to the episode with Eugene and Bernard in California, and its wild the contrast between "We shouldnt undermine the parents" and Bernard's evangelizing even when asked not to

Gert Lamprecht

The various jokes about ejaculate throughout (delightful btw, big fan) has reminded me, your one South African listener, that I've been feeling a great compulsion for a while now to let you know about the Afrikaans Christian book publisher and chain of stores: CUM Books. https://cumbooks.co.za/ These guys are everywhere here, there's one in nearly every mall near me, and I'm continually astounded and delighted by the fact that they haven't felt a need to rebrand every time I see one of their giant CUM signs over a shelf of Christian movie novelizations or branded diaries

Ethan Ness

I’ve been counting down the days to DBD for months. This is my Endgame. This is my Harry Potter and the deathly hallows. This is my Pirates of the Caribbean: At worlds end. Bring on the Dutchman, lads

Elizabeth Power

I forgot about this episode until recently, but I’m only at the beginning and the discussion of the accessibility of the imagination station is weird. I use a wheelchair and a walker sometimes. I have cerebral palsy. My immediate first thought was even though the imagining you can walk is a terrible concept, I was thinking of the imagination station like a normal building. Would the chair be able to fit inside of it? because if it doesn’t he won’t be able to imagine anything regardless. Kind of nervous for the rest of this episode which which I’m sure will not say any more weird things about disabled people. (Not).

The Jarda

I'm late to this, but "ass-funnels" are very much a thing in real medieval manuscripts! I think they are usually trumpets or other musical instruments rather than funnels though, medieval people loved their fart jokes.


There's so much bad theology in Adventures in Odyssey that I'm honestly shocked that my parents, who took good CRC theology seriously, let me listen to it