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Hello! So, I'm not allowed to make a public Patreon post containing NSFW images, but I still wanted to tell you about this!

I've updated my commission info with a proper pricing grid and a lower base cost!

If you're not subbed to my Patreon, you can read about it for free right here: https://www.reddit.com/user/avgexpansionenjoyer/comments/1e8lfqv/updated_commission_info_commissions_open/


Zekava Adre

>not allowed to make a public Patreon post containing NSFW images What the fuck? Wouldn't a NSFW blur/filter/opt-in NSFW visibility setting or whatever fix like, basically any issues with that? Why the hell wouldn't they allow that?


Yeah, i guess they don't want any issues with minors potentially seeing sexual content... I can't have anything nsfw available publicly, afaik that includes stuff like public posts, but also thumbnails, my banner etc. Everything of a sexual nature needs to be put behind a paywall.

Zekava Adre

I guess it's a bit harder for minors to get past a paywall than to lie about their age, but so very many other websites that seem to be managing that problem just fine with default filters and such. Maybe Patreon has some sort of extra legal stuff it has to deal with but idk man, if Steam can handle it then I don't see why Patreon can't


I think they're being cautious because they directly deal with payment processors which are infamously very against NSFW stuff, for whatever fucking reason. Maybe this is Patreon's way of keeping them calm... Corporations' puritanism affects us all in ridiculous ways.