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A curious sheep granny :D



Alex Talbain

I swear, my blood sugar rises every time I see these two. They ate just that adorable


holy jeez, airam looks so hot here, maybe the color, the smirk, the earrings, the blue hair. damn 😳

Billy Roberson

O I can tell that granny sheep would be totally cool around us gays. Look at that hair!


AAAAA <3333 C'mon Tauski, love can defeat all! You should at least sneak off and give that boy a big ol' smoochie somewhere~


Right?? I don't know which of them I'm more jealous of. Cute as frick Tauski or sexyhot Airam. >///< Probably both, hehe.


Careful T, you are taking A for granted here. He can’t read your mind. If he and this moment are that important to you, you’d better tell him. Punishing Airam for giving you a compliment is a very effective way to make him stop…


So hecking cuuuuuute


Well, Airam shouldn't push his luck either! Tauski told him he's not ready for public displays of affection, and it's their day 2 :D

Christian Cruz

Don't trigger me like that OR lol...thats how my last relationship ended from me complimenting too much haha


i found this comic by accident and i love it, very good story and it so cute, i am interest for more ^^


Aww, I'm so happy to hear you've enjoyed the story so far! Thank you so much! ^^