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  • BarnTitfuck1.mp4
    00:00 / 00:00
  • BarnTitfuck2.mp4
    00:00 / 00:00



After a long, hard, hot day of work on the farm, the sweaty girl (Your step sis?) decides to reward you for the hard work (Made harder by staring at her sweaty jugs all day)

First time ever doing a PoV titfuck animation. or any titfuck animation for that matter. I can't remember why I decided to do it, but there we have it. Two versions for you guys (woo) This was kind of a challenge because those haybales made Blender run like SHIT, even when hidden. Took me a while to realize I could just 'disable' them to improve performance when working on it. Live and learn.

Sound is a little 'simple,' but I think it fits pretty well. 



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