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  • DragoGulpBoy2.mp4



I said I'd be doing some Dragon pred stuff soon, and by golly I meant it. I also said it would be done before the weekend was over, which... Technically didn't happen. I'd hoped to have some sound by now as well, but it just didn't end up happening yet. I still plan on making sound for it, so consider this a WiP, as it won't go public until it has sound. But I figured sound or no sound I should still let you guys see it. If for no other reason than it's been a long time since I did anything with Dragon preds and oral. 

Male prey, but I'll get to the female prey soon. And more projects in the works that you may see before next week. But expect things to slacken a bit for the holidays as per usual. Speaking of which, this will be going up for all patrons on the 24th, so I hope you all have a merry Christmas.



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