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Tried importing the Cyclops into Pyxel edit...what are the tile size for it and is there an offset for the tiles?

Krishna Palacio

Hi Jujubee, I make the characters with Aseprite. Unfortunately, I trimmed the sprites. The tile size might vary in some cases. From now on I will keep in mind your needs. I will also provide tile size information for each animation sprite sheet. I want to improve the way I present to you the sprites to ensure usability. All the feedback is highly appreciated.


That would be great! Have you thought about including the Aseperite file too? Great work btw!

Krishna Palacio

I will try to remake the previously released sprite sheets. But since there are many of them I can not make a compromise on how long it will take. I will tackle the task in my spare time. Thanks for pointing it out!


No pressure at all, merely something to consider in the future.

Krishna Palacio

Thanks! I will include the source files when possible from now on as a Patreon extra. I work with Pyxel Edit when I make tilesets, I will include the tiles source file also