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Hi Everyone!

It has been a long time since I wrote a Minifantasy devlog/weekly report. I really missed it! :)

Thanks to all the support I received on Itch and Patreon, I recently increased the amount of time I weekly put into making Minifantasy assets. Also, commissions are ramping up to a point where I had to start using a waiting list.

This situation left me with not enough time to write my usual weekly reports. But for me is important to keep this devlog going on. I really enjoy my time telling you guys the last news and releases of Minifantasy, and it also serves me as a written record of all I have been working on recently.

So to be able to manage both things, drawing pixels and writing, I have decided to make monthly reports instead of weekly ones.


During June, a lot of things have been going on in Minifantasy. The new system we use now in Patreon to propose and vote for the new Minifantasy content proved itself to work really well.

It has been by far the most productive month since I started the Minifantasy project a year ago. Now you guys have way more control deciding what will be added next to the collection while I can create way more extras and exclusive content for the collection.

Let's see what has been added during June:

Minifantasy - Crafting And Professions II

I was very excited to make Minifantasy -Crafting And Professions II. Since I finished the first one, I always wanted to add fishing and hunting, so the entire pack features gravitate around these core professions.

Same as the first iteration of this pack, Minifantasy - Crafting And Professions II is divided into two separate sections: Gathering professions and Crafting professions.

The gathering professions are:


  • 5 fully animated animals to hunt: Male and female deer, wild boar, turkey and rabbit. Each Animal comes with 4 animations: Idle, walk, dmg and die
  • 40 hunting-related Icons including different types of meat, skin, bones and more
  • Butchering animation for characters.


  • 6 fishing-related character animations in 4 directions
  • Animated Fishing Spots
  • Icons for 12 different types of catch and bite)

Bug Catching

  • 3 bug catching-related character animations in 4 directions
  • 45 Animated bug nodes. 5 different types of insects with 9 colour variations
  • 180 icons representing different types of bugs and their resources such as wings and shells)

The crafting professions and their related workstations are:

  • Cooking, Preparation table and Kitchen


  • Leatherwork, Leather workbench

  • Dyeing, Dye Workshop

On top of all of that, the pack also includes:

  • 1090 Tool Icons (7 unique models with 155 variations for each model based on the crafting materials)
  • 56 Recipes Icons (Based on the existing ingredients available throughout the Minifantasy collection)
  • 26 Cooking Ingredient Icons (Refined on the preparation table from other resources such and meat and vegetables)
  • 90 Leather Armour Icons (3 unique models with 30 variations for each model based on the crafting materials)
  • 60 Traps Icons (2 unique models, claw trap, and Box trap, with 30 variations for each model based on the crafting materials)
  • 8 Dyes Vial Icons (Based on bugs essences, to use in the Dyeing workshop)
  • 12 Shop/business signs in 3 different shapes and colours

Both combined, Minifantasy - Crafting And Professions I and II, make a total of:

  • 6 gathering professions
  • 8 crafting professions
  • 13 workstations
  • 24 shop/business signs
  • 3500 8x8 icons

I think it will have you covered if you want to include an extensive crafting system in your game ;)

Please don't forget to check your messages on Patreon. I sent you all a link to claim the asset pack on itch :)

June Patreon Exclusive Content

On top of the regular monthly Minifantasy asset pack published on Itch, I always make extra and exclusive content for my Patreon community. As I said before, thanks to the new proposing and voting system we use, June has been crazy in terms of Patreon extra content.

I want to remind you that anyone joining Patreon, on any tier level, will get instant access to the whole exclusive archive! Don't forget to visit the Patreon Exclusive Archive to download all of the Minifantasy exclusive sprites.

Here you have a list of all the June extras:


Fully animated in 4 directions, including idle, walk, attack, dmg, death and more!

Ancient Vampire

The vampire also includes transformation animations into a bat.


3 Different models in 2 colour variations!

Pack Features

Wall traps

To make your Minifantasy dungeons way more dangerous!

Levers and switches

To make some puzzles along with your deadly new dungeons!

Berry bushes

Different types of berries. Berries icons included and two recipes involving berry ingredients: juice and toasts

Magic portals

A selection of layered magic portals. The portal itself is a different layer you can use wherever you need it. Cross it if you dare!


Miscellany con set, including coins, torches, online GUI icons, character icons and more!

This is all the new stuff from June; I hope you found them interesting! The new July content is already cooking; stay tuned for more super low-res goodness :)

If you didn't do yet, join us in Discord. We have a really cool community of game devs there! Link your Patreon and Discord accounts to get instant access to the server.



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