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Hi Guys!, I showing you the Exclusive piece(s) of The Captain America (Female version, final sculpt).

2nd torso + Topless torso (+18, Mature content).

Stay tuned for + updates; and so sorry for the delay but I'm feeling unwell these days and I'm working when I'm in better health. My apologise again.

- Check out the previous post " Captain America, Sculpt Finished." for more information about the model -

- Sorry my English.




Shane Beaudoin

How can I upgrade this month to the exclusive version? I am basic subscriber

Francis Quez

Hi, look for the option "Upgrade membership" or, look for the "membership section" and check the QUEZ XL or QUEZ collector membership levels, these membership levels have the exclusive pieces; when you upgrade, check the Patreon emails in your personal email (Yahoo , Gmail, etc) and download the files from the links. contact me via private message here at Patron if you don't get the download link(s).