Launching Desert Maps (Patreon)
Hi everyone! I was often asked to make desert maps. I've been putting it off until the last moment because I've never made such maps before and I was too lazy to work out the styling, look for assets and references.
Today I would like to present my first desert work - a town buried in the sands. It was inspired by such titles as Dune, Diablo 2 and my own experience of being in a desert near Dubai.
Here you can download FullHD and 4k versions (.mp4, .webm vp8/vp9 and .jpeg) + foundry .json file:
I plan to make about 10 desert-themed maps in 2023. Let me know what kind of desert maps you are looking for in the comments and I will implement the most popular ones!
ARCHIVE <- Here you can see previews of all the maps available on my patreon page
Also you can write your map ideas and needs here.
And you can check out these patreon pages for more animated maps: Advanced Animated Dungeon Maps || Cybermaps