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Sooner or later your group will have to face the local inhabitants and it will be a huge stroke of luck to have small ruins where they can defend themselves.

I've also added a blank sand map, as I know that many people like to use terrain.

DESERT ENCOUNTER: Divine / Extra Map (Frozen) tier || 4k tier

webm VP8/VP9 and Foundry walls included 

ARCHIVE <- Here you can see previews of all the maps available on my patreon page

Also you can write your map ideas and needs here.
Check out these patreon pages for more animated maps:  
Advanced Animated Dungeon Maps // for more fantasy maps
Cybermaps // for cyberpunk and sci-fi maps



What does VP8/9 mean?


I used to compress all .webm files with the VP9 codec, but now Fantasy Grounds has started to support the webm format, but only with the VP8 codec, so I now indicate which maps already have both VP9 and VP8 webm versions.