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The September 2021 Painting Showcase is based on MALE CAUCASIAN SKINTONE.


- You will be able to pick any model of any scale as long as most of it is covered in a detail that you can paint following the instructions

- The entries have to be sent from the 1st of the month until 28th 23:59 CEST of the month to miniaturesden@gmail.com with as many pictures as possible of the model as well as your nickname on IG and Patreon

- If you need a reference or guidance on how to paint the detail chosen for this month's competition, you will find guidance in the previous month's content


I will record a video of myself going through the pictures every month and provide feedback to each entry as well as pick my monthly top 3. The top 3 entries will get shown and their painters mentioned on my Instagram in the first post of the month after the current showcase.

Happy painting to everyone!



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