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Starting the month looking for WG/Stufing scenarios (full blob, regular fatty, heavy bottoms or just bellies)

You know how it goes, 1st places gets 4 pics , 2nd gets 3 and 3rd only 2 couyld be mini sequences or individual pics.

Leave a comment with your suggestions, I pay attention to the likes so if youre interested in an idea someone else posted give it a like.



Big ol' witch butterball from eating all the food in storage


Drinks a potion and become a big bottomed, potbellied giantess


Each potion bottle she drinks is the shape she'll become. Bottom heavy bottle, curvy beaker, ext ext. Or keep it easy and potion shape= shape she'll change into :3


She ends up getting smacked with a potion (either from Plague Knight or one of the hands) and she gets extremely hungry, causing her to get fatter and fatter as she eats everything in sight


Her attempts at alchemy transform her into a pear shape, an apple shape where she’s round and tubby, then turns her into an immobilized blob

Scott Fine

She drinks the growth formula from the vintage cartoon King SIze Canary. You know, for science.

john shaw

Chemical Mixup: Mixing up a new chemical concoction, she accidentally spills it on herself, causing her to become very large and fat. Donut Run: A visit to the local donut shop has her stuffing her face and become big and doughy with a content smile on her face. The Blob Returns: Mona runs experiment on the same slimy alien substance that once turned Alex into a giant blob. However it gets loose and enters her, transforming her into a large and hungry green blob. When the Fat Lady Sings: The ghost of a once large and famous singer roams around and possesses Mona, making her become large and fat instantly as well as making her an amazing singer.


She drinks a pink potion in the shape of a voluptuous hourglass she accidentally bumps a shelf fully stocked of the potions which spill on her/fall in her mouth as her breast and butt burst out of her home

shane oliver

Mona unattentionally Drinks a Potion that causes her Belly to bloat up into massive proportions, about the size of a house.

Captain Rocko

She either creates a potion or exposed to a potion that makes her gain a ton of weight and blobs out completely.


Mona becomes a living cauldron to help the knights(pocket dungeon canon possibly so they're allies), brewing up tons of a special reagent in her gut to be able to quickly produce potions with fewer ingredients/less time. But demand grows, and the reagents are also basically super-calorie bombs, so the more she takes in, the bigger she gets. Goes from just having a pregnant-looking belly to being wider than a doorway with a huge Jess and Luna-sized gut full of stuff, probably straining to get through a doorway in the last panel as she tries to go be helpful.


She gets hoards of food shoveled down her throat and gains either a big belly or heavy bottom


An Apple a... Minute - Mona is working on a potion meant to bring out the flavors in food and make them more appetizing and is testing it on an apple. However, due to an ingredient mixup, she winds up with an insane craving for apples and runs around the entire town gobbling up any and all apples she sees. Gaining an enormous belly, breasts, and butt in the process. She's only able to stop after accidently eating a single pear. Fizzy Weighted Potion - Mona is helping the hands create/test potions. They offer what they all think is a Fizzy Lifting Potion, one that inflates you, makes you float, and sets you down when you burp, but they inadvertently make the opposite. So, when Mona tastes it, she starts to feel heavy, gaining a lot of weight in her belly and butt, and every time she burps she gets bigger and heavier, eventually breaking through the floor The hands are able to concoct a stopping agent before she destroys the whole house, but they still need to find a way to get her back to her normal size.


Growth for Love - Mona & Plague Knight are designing a potion of growth. So her dear little chemist can dance without Mona crouching down & causing back aches. Though when testing the potion Mona takes just a sip & blows up in size. Height, size, weight, everything as she's sitting in the Rubble of Plague Knights castle as an Uber inflated blob. Chemist Cauldron - Mona cleaning the lab accidently bumps into a shelf causing the concoctions to come tumbling to the ground. Though when trying to catch them she trips in a slapstick way causing all of the containers to fall into her mouth. With no other choice she swallows them down causing a bottom heavy look to her as her gut is shaking, glowing & hissing as she lays their dazed. Knowledge is power - Mona is studying in the library of the castle when she accidently takes too much information in. Causing her head/upper-body to swell up like a balloon. To try to move in her state she grabs her noggin & squeezes. Causing her body to bloat out into a strongfat look as she tries to fit through the still tiny doorway.


Mone is working on a potion, that is meant to make her super strong and muscle buff, but the evil hand are adding something else in the pot and she test drink the potion, she got some muscle on her arms, but, she get a heavy bottom first, she is in shock, but before get the time to look in her spell bok, she get a massive belly and she is now a big blob and can’t move, she stare mad at the evil hands.


Potion mixup: Mona drinks a growth potion make increases her width instead of height potion testing: Mona drink a potion and gets very very fat to the point that she fills up the room, during her growth, her flab knocks a shelf and more potion fall directly into her mouth, she burst out of the room and has no become an immoblie blob


Eats dehydrated foods not realizing your supposed to water them before eating them. And then they expand in her belly all at once. OR Eats the ice-cream monster from the first season of Kids Next Door.